Contact person Whistleblower Protection Act

Whistleblower Protection Act

The Whistleblower Protection Act regulates the protection of natural persons who have obtained information about violations in the course of their professional activities and pass this on to internal or external reporting offices. In addition, the Whistleblower Protection Act prohibits any reprisals and retaliatory measures against whistleblowers.
Legal text: Link to the legal text (Bundesgesetzblatt)

Internal and external reporting points

The Whistleblower Protection Act regulates the procedures to be followed after receiving a report. These include, in particular, documentation requirements, deadlines for providing feedback to the whistleblower and follow-up measures such as internal investigations. In addition, the Whistleblower Protection Act stipulates that confidentiality regarding the identity of whistleblowers and persons affected by the report must be maintained. Their identities may only be revealed in exceptional cases, e.g. in criminal proceedings at the request of the law enforcement authorities. 

1. Internal reporting point May Design GmbH:

2. Telefonnummer HGP: +49 7531-5847993

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